Friday, May 1, 2015

Matter of taste? "Fargo" is less fun in real life.

I'm not sure what I should do with this, but there's a lot going on here so I apologize for the scattered thought process, and I'd love to hear feedback. This is a really interesting image of a "subculture" that we don't think about very often.

Homelessness has it's own set of cultural indicators that I don't think we think about very often. However, we do seem to have a lot of assumptions about homeless people, i.e. they're dangerous, alcoholic, crazy people...hmmm.

This, to me, is a case of the subculture appropriating the mainstream perspectives and mocking it. Sound like Heirs of Columbus to anyone else?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I suppose desperation comes in many forms. I think he probably doesn't get many takers, but I bet a lot of people laugh and talk to him.
