Friday, May 1, 2015

Everything is an ISA!

So this is freaky. Check out the bottom right corner of this poster. "Pepsi sponsors cock-fights!" would make a great tagline for a new commercial.

Pepsi as an ISA is interesting because it's so commercialized that at a certain point, it almost becomes propaganda. Slap Pepsi on a poster and it automatically becomes a bi-budget operation, and therefore legitimate. This is also a case of a Latin American culture using a very western structure to legitimize it's purpose.

Stuart Hall says that cultural studies and Marxism are related because they both deal with social constructions that are based on class structures. AND everything is based on economic structures. This poster is using the economic stability of Pepsi to reach a middle class that buys Pepsi products and using that relationship to a) sell another product which is related by proximity to Pepsi, and b) to mainstream-ify a cultural practice, which may or may not be morally questionable, depending on your cultural perspective.

It's a conspiracy!


  1. So, I wonder if Coke would sponsor cock fights, too? Yeah, it's just another commodity capitalizing on a popular activity, no?

  2. I think Coke would sponsor bear baiting.
