Thursday, May 7, 2015

Subculture and the OED of Modern Slang

I recently watched an interview of this guy who works as an OED Modern Slang compiler. He spends hours in the major public libraries perusing magazines to find slang that has become mainstream. His exact words were, "I catalogue subcultural slang that is now becoming mainstream."

This blog also relates to the idea of the subculture of slang becoming mainstream:

A few main quotes from the text:
"Language is not so much a creator and shaper of human nature so much as a window onto human nature."

"The fact is, only when a word becomes 'real'--as in widely used and understood--is it then considered for a place in the dictionary."

In what ways do these ideas relate to Hebdige's theories? How is the subculture of slang now becoming a commodity?

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